Mother nature was kind to UCF Friday afternoon as thousands of students gathered around the Reflection Pond to be a part of the Nation’s Best Campus Tradition, Spirit Splash. It is UCF’s ultimate pep rally before their homecoming game the following night and the only day of the year where students are allowed to enter the pond. Students really started to show up in numbers as the clock approached 2pm. This was the time they would be allowed to enter the pond.

This year’s Spirit Splash was hosted by AJ and Ashley from K92.3 FM. They played some old and current jams making for a live atmosphere. The UCF Dance Team, Marching Knights, and Cheerleaders all performed routines exciting the large crowd. Then the moment we’d all been waiting for came, the countdown to enter the pond. As soon as the host reached zero, large waves of students rushed the pond with reckless abandon. It was quite the site to see. Students even got the chance to see UCF Mascot, Knightro, crowd surf. There were beach balls, frisbees, and ducks flying everywhere. This year’s duck was a fireman. It is something they truly treasure as every year, there is a different duck with that specific year on it. The UCF Homecoming Committee was also giving out free shirts and wristbands.

UCF Students obviously felt a certain way about their most exciting homecoming event. Sophomore Kortni Perkins and Freshman Lori Cabot both had similar feelings regarding what they enjoyed most about Spirit Splash. They loved watching all the students rush in the pond. They also enjoyed seeing how diverse UCF really is as many different students came out. When asked whether he would come back next year, sophomore, Christian Moore, who is also a rapper on swolenation.net under the moniker Shirtoff Madoff, he replied, “Heck yeah!” But he also told me that UCF needs to make some minor changes to make this event even bigger than it already is. He wants UCF to cancel classes not for the whole day, but just during the Spirit Splash event, which lasts about two hours. It would bring in more participants to add more school spirit to an event already regarded as the best in the nation. I can agree with him on this. The school might as well cancel classes for Spirit Splash because half of the students there are probably already skipping class. So do us all a favor UCF and take Spirit Splash over the top.

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